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9 August 2011

Joomla vs WordPress: Choose Best-Suited CMS for Your Website

In this article, we are going to deal with comparison between 2 best CMS platforms Joomla vs WordPress.Whenever we talk about website design the first thing that comes to our mind is a content management system. Content management system not only helps you to manage your website, but also gives you the freedom to maintain it from time to time according to your need.
Some CMSs are easy to handle that one can manage it without or very little knowledge of the intricate technology. Among all CMSs, Joomla and WordPress are the most popular. This article will definitely help to choose the best-suited CMS for your website.
But before we decipher as to which is best CMS (Joomla vs WordPress), let us have a brief introduction about both CMSs.

Joomla vs WordPress Comparison 

#1. WordPress

  • The WordPress content management system is an ideal platform for bloggers as it is easy to install and use.
  • You can customize it according to your needs.
  • Moreover for its customization you don’t need to have extensive programming knowledge.
  • You can make your website more dynamic by using WordPress plug-ins which can be installed easily.
  • This technology gives your website an in-built platform allowing visitors to comment on your posts automatically. WordPress is one of the best CMS platform used and accepted by many bloggers who complain the WordPress is the ultimate winner in comparison between Joomla vs WordPress.
#2. Joomla
  • Joomla CMS is an excellent content management system allowing easy management and maintenance of your website, with little or no programming knowledge needed.
  • It offers all the required features right from adding and updating everything such as your images, article pages, navigation menus, and users to more elaborate in terms of technology enhancements.
  • Increasing the functionality of a website can be done by number of extensions offered by Joomla software.
  • Joomla provides full flexibility to developers to design a website the way they want. Many designers and Developers wont accept the fact regarding the greatness of wordpress and will complain that Joomla is the best platform in comparison with Joomla vs WordPress.
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Let us Jump into Reasons : Joomla vs WordPress.

#3. Comparison between Joomla vs WordPress
  • If you want to add images, publish new items, WordPress is extremely easy to use. Whereas Joomla presents a more “feature-rich” CMS, though one needs to get the hang of making the modifications.
  • In comparison to WordPress, Joomla is supported by a strong community to help the end users.
  • Joomla is best for creating websites oriented to e-commerce and website requiring a more professional touch. Joomla has thousands of extensions to offer, which are instrumental in increasing the functionality of a website. With its wider flexibility, enhanced features and premier extensions, Joomla to greater extent out beats WordPress.
  • Joomla was created from the ground up and over the years grown as an acclaimed CMS, while WordPress was designed as a publishing platform that has developed gradually into a CMS, offering each unique capability. These are the reasons why many developers declare that Joomla wins in the comparison between Joomla vs WordPress.
#4. Why use Joomla over WordPress ( Joomla vs WordPress )
Just because of power and flexibility provided by the Joomla CMS, it has become most popular CMS available on the market. Reasons for its vast popularity are its features, numerous capabilities and a developed custom database work. Joomla offers a complex multiple user privilege system, with user registration and layered content privileges, while WordPress does not have the privilege system. Joomla is also the best open source CMS solution when it comes to multiple user groups. For me personally from the comparison between Joomla vs WordPress, I prefer Joomla.
In nutshell both platforms work well for managing a website, WordPress is best option for small to medium business. But Joomla is fantastic option for a website that requires multiple user privileges or custom database work. It’s still not possible to declare a convinced winner between Joomla vs wordpress as bloggers, webmasters have their own reasons.

Hope you enjoyed reading article on Joomla vs WordPress Comparison


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